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Lynette's Stock Dogs

Photo Gallery of My Working Dogs


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Ruby, my current breeding and working female

Ruby chasing a calf back into the herd on our way home from the badlands June 2016.

The old boys, Sam - the half Lab in the middle and his son, Roscoe on

the right.  At the cow's nose...'Razzy I'...a sold son of Roscoe's.

Ruby herding calves out of the barn yard November 2016.

6/24/17 - Ruby and Bonnie trailing cattle in the badlands.

Don't you dare!!!

10/20/15 - Boomer waitng for commands

10/30/15 - Bonnie herding cows on the moutain.

10/30/15 - Boomer (left) and Razzy II (Right) herding cows pm the mountain.

12/1/15 - Razzy II & Bubba herding calves to the feed ground.

2/26/2019 - Buster and Ruby herding cattle home from the badlands.

2/25/19 - Razzy II, Big Red and Buster flushing cows out of the mud hole.

12/11/18 - Bringing in the calves to sell - Buster, Razzy, Bobbi, Ruby



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Page Created on 6/16/2019

Owned by Lynette Mills

All Rights Reserved!